Radio Karisma Jogja

by Streaming Murah



Karisma Community Radio is one of the community radio stations in Yogyakarta.KARISMA stands for Community Information Radio Community, this radio is under the auspicesunder the Mandiri Kradenan Banyuraden Center for Community Learning Activities (PKBM).Gamping Sleman Yogyakarta. The studio itself is located in the PKBM Banyuraden complexGamping Sleman. The radio which is on the frequency of 107.9 fm has broadcast coveragearound the Banyuraden Gamping area. With several competent broadcasters andis the result of guidance and training from several commercial radio stations in the Sleman area.Broadcast for the first time in June 2008 with assistance from Radio SatunamaAM frequency (now Radio Gemma). And then officially opened on the 20thAugust 2008. Radio Karisma is registered with the Yogyakarta Community Radio Network withParent No. JRKY 017.702.2010. With broadcasters who are competent and aretraining education and also mentoring can provide expertise foroperate or run this Radio.In the beginning, the ideas were a collection of several inspirations and there were alsosome outside help. With a lot of necessary information and activities from PKBMconveyed to the community and received support from several parties. FromPKBM itself and also assistance from outside the PKBM namely from the Cocacola Foundation. Beginningassistance in the form of radio-related equipment. From this help thendeveloped and developed into a community radio that is informative andentertain. As well as there are several computer aids that are connected to the internet which are onmake it happen in the form of a library which will be managed by PKBM and designatedfor the general public.In the course of this Radio Karisma has many activities. This activity existsseveral kinds such as off air activities and also live reports of activities around the radioCharisma. In terms of funding, this community is self-help and also severalSME advertisements around radio. Of the many activities, whether commercial or not, radiothis continues to run according to its original purpose of sharing information and related entertainmentPKBM activities and Banyuraden community activities.